Enfant Soleil Operation 2021
For a second year in a row, we are proud to announce our partnership with Opération Enfant Soleil, a non-profit organization that raises funds to support the development of quality pediatrics for all children in Quebec.
Several families in Quebec learn every day that their children will henceforth have to be combatants. Fortunately, many treatments are now available or in development for certain illnesses that require child-friendly care. The fact remains that for diseases that are rarer, a lot of research is still needed to find a cure. In any case, the life of sick children is marked by their stay in hospitals. This is why we are dedicated to the cause which will allow, among other things, the organization to purchase equipment and provide all the necessary support to families of sick children.
We invite other companies to donate to the cause as well. Whether it's by making a donation, planned donation or by participating in the many contests and collections organized by this organism, there are many ways to support them. To find out more about how you can help Opération Enfant Soleil, please visit www.operationenfantsoleil.ca/comment-donner.